About Us

Who We Are

The Oklahoma Cotton Council is funded by growers to promote the production and profitability of cotton through research, advocacy, and education.

2022 Oklahoma Gin Book

Purpose and Objectives

  • To promote and protect the interests of the Oklahoma cotton industry
  • To foster improvement of the conditions under which Oklahoma cotton and its products are produced, processed, and sold
  • To encourage standardization and improvement in the quality of cotton and its by-products
  • To cooperate with established organizations in the cotton industry, and general agricultural organizations in the United States and in any foreign country, in finding and pursuing reasonable and appropriate approaches to problems of mutual interest
  • To cooperate with all departments and agencies of State and Federal governments charged with any responsibilities relating to cotton and its products, and to prices and regulatory measures, so long as such measures are in the best interest of the cotton industry
  • To provide additional medium of information on the probable effects of these policies on conditions under which cotton and its products are produced, processed, and soil in the United States and in foreign countries
  • To do all things that may seem reasonable and appropriate for improving the conditions under which Oklahoma cotton and its products are produced, processed, and sold for promoting the welfare and protecting the interests of the Oklahoma cotton industry provided, however, that this council will not engage in the business of buying or selling cotton or its products

Adopt the Pace of Nature

Her Secret Is Patience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

There's a way to do it better — find it.

Thomas Edison

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

Native American Proverb

I recognize the right and duty of this generation to develop and use our natural resources. But I do not recognize the right to waste them, or to rob by wasteful use, the generations that come after us.

Theodore Roosevelt

Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun.

George Scialabba

The human race is challenged more than ever before to demonstrate our mastery, not over nature, but over ourselves.

Rachel Carson

Board of Directors

Harvey Schroeder

Executive Director


809 Willard
Frederick, Oklahoma

(580) 335-1130

Phil Bohl

​Chatanooga, Oklahoma

Mark Nichols

Vice Chair
Altus, Oklahoma

Steven Clay

Secretary | Treasurer
Carnegie, Oklahoma

Clint Abernathy

Altus, Oklahoma

Jantz Baine


Jeanie Hileman

Western Planters

Robert Luttmer

Canute, Oklahoma

Collin McKinley

Frederick, OK

Brandon Varner

CHS, Inc

Joe Gribble

PCOM | Altus, OK

Jay Cowart

PCCA | Altus, OK

Charity Martin

Executive & Director of Member Services


Altus, OK  73521

(580) 381-0178